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Discover the Impact of Solar Energy on Homes and the Environment 

Ground Mounted Solar Panels

Curious about the real impact of solar energy? Let’s shine a light on how this technology is changing homes and helping the environment. 

From reducing energy bills to cutting carbon emissions, solar power is more than just a trend. In this article, we’ll explore the tangible benefits for homeowners and the broader environmental impact. 

Whether you’re considering solar panels or just interested in green energy, join us as we uncover the sunny side of powering our homes.

How can solar panels benefit homes?

Solar PV on modern home

The environmental hazards posed by fossil fuels have been a concern since the 1960s when researchers first began highlighting their impact on the climate. Solar panels offer the opportunity to create clean energy using natural sunlight. 

Solar power isn’t a new concept, but it only became a popular solution in 2008, thanks to advancements in technology and reduced manufacturing costs. 

Today, you’ll see homes everywhere with solar panels. Let’s explore their positive impact on your home. 

Immediate and long-term savings 

The outright costs of solar panels have reduced significantly in recent years, with the government’s Carbon Reduction Plan paving the way for various initiatives. Yes, solar panels are an investment, but their annual savings can exceed £1,100 (Energy Saving Trust). 

As long as households choose the right number of panels for their needs and access the Smart Export Guarantee, the annual savings often justify any initial investment. 

Achieving energy independence

We all know that sinking feeling when your energy provider announces that your tariff is increasing. Imagine being in complete control of your energy production needs and not having to rely on the grid—that’s what solar panels offer. 

If you’re willing to use battery storage, you can store any excess energy for nights and cloudy days, meaning you won’t have to rely on the grid. 

Boosting Property Value

Solar panels can also enhance your home’s appeal to potential buyers. According to Admiral Money, properties with solar panels can see their value increase by as much as 25%.

While some estate agents say they don’t make a significant difference, constant increases in energy bills mean prospective buyers will consider the long-term savings from installing solar panels. 

How do solar panels benefit the environment?

Power plant releasing fossil fuels

We’ve known for a long time that fossil fuels have a detrimental effect on the environment, releasing greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. 

Solar panels can benefit the environment and preserve fossil fuels while enabling homes and businesses to control their energy production needs. 

Reducing reliance on the grid

The majority of UK households depend on the national grid for their gas and electricity, placing heavy demands on fossil fuels. By installing solar panels, households can generate clean energy from the sun, reducing their reliance on the grid.

This shift benefits the environment, helps preserve fossil fuel reserves, and prevents further climate change.

Minimising pollution

When it comes to global greenhouse gas emissions, energy production and heating account for over 34%, highlighting the immense pressure they put on the environment (EPA). Solar panels can produce clean energy, reducing the risks of pollution. 

If you have solar panels and want to install a heat pump, you could potentially move towards complete energy independence. 

Heat pumps require electricity to run, but solar panels can provide that electricity, meaning you won’t need to use the national grid. 

Recycling potential

Modern solar panels have recyclable parts, which makes them more sustainable. Certain components, including aluminium, glass, silicon wafers and cell modules, are recyclable and disposing of them correctly means manufacturers can preserve vital resources. 

Currently, glass, aluminium, silicone wafers and cell modules are all over 80% reusable. As technology continues to advance, we’ll see recycling rates improve even further. 

Zero water dependency

We often associate water scarcity with the developing world, but countries like the UK and the USA might face shortage struggles in the future. 

According to Water Witness, high-income countries often rely on unsustainable water sources, and shortages could have devastating impacts on both society and wildlife.

Solar energy doesn’t need water, making it a viable solution for nations with limited access to water sources. 

Does solar energy have any drawbacks?

While solar energy is bringing about positive changes for the environment, it’s important to acknowledge that solar panels aren’t without their downsides. Understanding these drawbacks can help you decide if solar panels are the right choice for your home.

Material mining

Manufacturers use calcium, silicon, copper, and other mined materials. Failure to implement eco-friendly practices could pollute water sources and cause environmental damage. 

Most companies understand the implications of mining and continue to experiment with eco-friendly mining methods. 

Dependence on batteries

Solar panels need batteries to store energy and export it back to the grid. Older versions weren’t very green, as they used non-recyclable batteries, causing environmental challenges.

Newer panels use lithium-ion batteries, which have longer lifespans and are recyclable. To avoid outdated battery technology, purchase panels from a reputable installer.

Land usage

Installing solar panels on a house or apartment won’t take up much room, and most go on the roof. Unfortunately, solar farms can damage natural habitats, including deserts and grasslands. 

Proper planning and knowing how to use resources can prevent these issues, with many farms using previously developed land. 

Is the future solar?

As with most energy production solutions, solar panels aren’t flawless, but their many benefits will significantly reduce fossil fuel reliance. 

Solar panels are a wise investment if you want to reduce your energy bills and look forward to potential energy independence. 

As the government strives to achieve Carbon Net Zero by its target of 2050, homes with lower incomes can use various initiatives to make solar panels more affordable. 

Geowarmth offers solar panel installation services across Northern England and Scotland. 

Our professionals can help you through the planning stages, and we also offer convenient financing plans that come with regular maintenance. 

Please feel free to ask us any questions and get a free quote for solar panel installation today.